Talents abound at the Swan Christian College Figure Sculpture Workshop
First off, let me say that the teacher I was working with, Nicole Tonkin… is a magnificent artist in her own right. But, to be that and an outstanding teacher as well?! Those are some lucky kids! Nikki and I met a few years ago when she had contacted me[...]
By the Power of Grayskull its Clint and his He-Man Jawbone Figure Base!
Sometimes my job allows me to meet the most interesting people. On this occasion I got to meet Clint Ludgewick. Clint had a fairly simple request. He wanted to remake a Jawbone base for his 30inch tall Collectible He-Man Figure. As this was a quick possibly one-off private workshop, I[...]
Restorative Arts Workshop in beautiful New Zealand March 2019
After many months of planning I had the amazing opporutunity to travel to the Land of the Long White Cloud, beautiful New Zealand, to provide an intensive 3-day Restorative Arts Workshop. Working with Nardus Oelofse and John Schipper of Davis Funerals and with the support of Dodge Australia (now Mazwell[...]
Awesome Figure Sculpture Workshop-GDM at MSHS 2019
In 2019, Lev Vykopal asked me back to teach another Super Sculpey Figure Workshop. And let me tell you, each and every one of the talented Melville Senior High School (MSHS) GDM (Graphic Design Media) students went past expectations and created even more excellent artworks. It still amazes me how[...]
Live Sculpture Demo of Harrison Ford, 2019-BIE Conference- Fremantle
I was invited by Jan Field of Dodge (now Mazwell) Australia to do a Live Sculpture Demonstration during last year’s BIE conference. From what I understand the BIE (British Institute of Embalmers) Conference is dedicated to awards, seminars, and a mini tradeshow for its very talented attendees. Dodge and the[...]
Carmel2019 (183)
Carmel School-Sculpting, Moulding and Casting Master Class
September- Carmel School Leanne Mazjner and I met in August and we immediately knew that we had to do a workshop together. Leanne is an amazing artist in her own right and super patient Art Teacher at Carmel Senior High School. When we met, she told me that she was[...]
Priceless WWII Heirloom - November 2018
Back in November 2018, I was contacted and commissioned by a Chloe Constantidies. She needed a very special project created using a Priceless WWII Heirloom. No pressure… Some time ago, Chloe joined her family on a trip to Poland to her grandmothers childhood home. Some of the structure was still[...]
Brisbane 2018-90 person Restorative Art Demo
Restorative Arts Sculpture Workshop Demo for AIE Brisbane
"..Afterward, everyone came and told me that they probably would’ve crumbled after the first setback. But that they really enjoyed themselves overall..."
Monster Design Workshop
The night before the Monster Sculpture Workshop (wrong time but more on that later) I ran a Monster Design and Drawing Night. Everyone came in with a cautious yet curious attitude, but they all soon relaxed and got into drawing mode. I always start my design and drawing classes with[...]
Creaney Compcropa
Monster Drawing and Sculpture Workshop at Creaney Primary School
Monster Drawing and Sculpture workshop at Creaney Primary School and then devastation! In September 2018 I was called upon by Rob Luck at Creaney Primary School in Kingsley to hold a Monster Drawing and Sculpture workshop with the B6 class. This lively bunch of 8 year olds were a bit[...]