Live Sculpture Demo of Harrison Ford, 2019-BIE Conference- Fremantle

I was invited by Jan Field of Dodge (now Mazwell) Australia to do a Live Sculpture Demonstration during last year’s BIE conference.

From what I understand the BIE (British Institute of Embalmers) Conference is dedicated to awards, seminars, and a mini tradeshow for its very talented attendees.

Dodge and the BIE were generous enough to provide me with a corner in the tradeshow booth area to set up.

This demo was to showcase the Restorative Arts Workshops and what is taught over the 2 day intensive course and the possibilities that you can achieve with practice.

On the day I chose to sculpt a portrait of Harrison Ford. The beauty of working on such an iconic actor is that he has a very distinguished face with very interesting features.

Now, each workshop and sculpture has it’s own challenges and this was no exception. The table that they put me at was up against a door and people from the outside kept trying to open it and knocking over my sculpture. On top of that everyone was asking this and that question. Which really isn’t an issue….unless someone is trying to knock over your sculpture, at the same time, every ten minutes!

Regardless of all the interruptions, I was able to do a pretty good likeness of Mr. Ford in only a few short hours.

For the most part, I was able to work in peace but at the end of the day, I was there to spruik the workshops and so I had to stop and sell them and Will Huntley – Artistic Training Consultant.

At the end of the day, I did receive a couple of kudos for my work and a few people did take the flyers that I had put together.

But, regardless of the mini challenges, at the end of the day I was privileged enough to be able to sculpt for a small audience whilst chatting about my art and workshops.

All of which I love to do.

Sound interesting? Let’s create some stuff!