Props Building Workshops with Wesley College Drama Students, July 2017

I was invited to do a series of prop building workshops with the Year 12 Drama Students at Wesley College last month. Starting off with a brainstorming session we worked out what each student wanted to make. I then sourced the materials and then taught the boys how to create:

  • A lifecasting with alginate and plaster
  • A Pinkysil silicone mould
  • A set of lightweight tools using Worbla
  • A hump by creating a pattern and cutting it from foam matts
  • A backpack using cardboard tubes, twine and hot glue
  • and A flip clock using cardboard, tape, paper and paint

It was a great few days and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! 

#wesleycollege #drama #willhuntleyatc #perthartist #pd #props

Sound interesting? Let’s create some stuff!